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 ABOUT US 關於我們:

ES Creation美國公司成立於2008的舊金山,在2015年為了提供最優質的服務在台灣南崁成立了工作室

ES Creation憶思攝影工作室就是我們的名字,我們是活潑有創意的攝影團隊,用不同的眼光和角度幫助你紀錄那片刻即逝的“美”,我們相信在將來的某些天你的記憶將 ES Creation Photography經過多年的經營目前都有優秀的攝影團隊在台灣和美國服務更多的家庭,未來將會觸角延伸到 新加坡,香港,和馬來西亞。

ES Creation USA was founded in San Francisco in 2008. In 2015, in order to provide the best quality service, a studio was established in Nankan, Taiwan.

ES Creation is like our name. We are a lively and creative photography team. We use different eyes and angles to help you record the momentary "beauty". We believe that your memory will be one day in the future. Follow our lead back to the beautiful memories that belong to your own heart! After many years of operation, ES Creation Photography currently has excellent photography teams serving more families in Taiwan and the United States. In the future, it will also extend its tentacles to Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia.

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